Coulson Cash - Referral Program

  • Do you know a business owner with 5 or more computers?
  • Do you Want to save them time, money and frustations?
  • Want to give them a free 27-point network health check?
  • Are they frustrated with their current IT guy or need one?
  • Seem to always be fixing or complaining about some computer issues?
  • Do they lose sleep at night worrying about IT problems?

We want to talk to them.

For YOU:

Here’s how it works for YOU:

For each of your friends that you refer to us (and we schedule an appointment with), we will give you $25. If your friend becomes a client we will give you an additional $50. That’s a total of $75.

For Your FRIEND:

How it works for your FRIEND:

If your friend becomes a client of Coulson Technologies (and spends a minimum of $1,000), we will give them $100 off their service because they are friends with you.